Trip Report

Cook Strait and Oceanwings Pelagic – 20-27 April 2002

A report for Cook St crossing last Saturday 20th April, Oceanwings 21st and back on the ferry yesterday 27th – nothing really outstanding seen.
Ferry Wellington to Picton 20/4

Fluttering Shear 50+
Sooty Shear 2
Buller’s Shear 1
White-capped Albert 3
Buller’s Albert 1 (I reckon these are not common in Cook St)
Fairy Prion 200+
Westland Petrel 8
Arctic Skua 1- in Wn Harbour
NO Giant Petrels
Oceanwings, Kaikoura 21/4

Northern Royal Albert 1
Southern Royal 1
Gibson’s 1
Antipodean 5+
White-capped 5+
Black-browed 3
Buller’s Albert 2
Buller’s Shear 10+
Sooty Shear 100+
Hutton’s Shear 20+
Com Diving Petrel 6
Westland Pet 50+
White-chinned Pet 2
Northern Giant Pet 3
Cape Petrel 50+
Arctic Skua 1

On the Peninsula, Reef Heron and 2 more Arctic skuas offshore. Also a Cattle egret at Ward, right by the main road just on the Northern outskirts of the town.
Ferry Picton to Wellington 27/4

Black-browed Albert 1
Buller’s Shear 8
Sooty Shear 50+
Fluttering Shear 200+
Hutton’s Shear 2
Fairy Prion 1( there had been loads a week ago?)
Diving Petrel 8
Westland Petrel 40+ (all those that were close enough were Westlands, but some may have been White-chinned)
Arctic Skua 1
Black-fronted Tern 2 just outside Wn Harbour.
Again no Giant Petrels, and on this crossing just one Albatross/Molly