Black (white-capped) noddy

04/04/09 Black (white-capped) noddy, Anous minutus, seen near Cape Maria van Diemen, Far North

During the third annual trip to the Three Kings (see here for trip reports) we were lucky enough to find a black (white-capped) noddy associating with red-billed gulls near Cape Maria van Diemen in the Far North. Not a very common species for the NZ mainland and a very nice sighting!

Of particular interest is the fact that on 5 April 2009, Dan Hawthorn saw a black noddy fishing by itself on the inshore waves at Te Werahi beach. This beach is approximately 4-5 kilometres away from where we saw our bird on 4 April 2009. Surely it was the same bird, but what a remarkable coincidence to have it reported twice independently, in such an isolated part of the country. Thanks to Dan for reporting his sighting to us.