Hudsonian godwit

26/03/08 Hudsonian godwit, Limosa haemastica, seen at the Manawatu Estuary

This Hudsonian godwit was found by Jesse Conklin on 26 March 2008. The bird was present till at least 10 April 2008, outstaying almost all of the other migrant waders. Single Hudsonian godwits have been seen at the Manawatu Estuary each summer for the past 4 years, and may well be the same returning individual – prior to that there were no records here for almost 20 years. Hudwits are scarce but annual visitors to New Zealand with about 3 – 5 birds seen each year.

Thanks to Jesse for the use of his images above. All the above photographs are copyrighted. If you would like to use them, then please contact me first.