Intermediate egret
10/11/06 Intermediate egret, Egretta intermedia, at Waiatarua Wetland, Auckland city
First seen by Alan Emmerson, this bird was reported to Brent on 11/11/06 by Alan, and subsequently by Ian McLean. Following an email to BIRDING-NZ that day, several people saw and photographed it on 12/11/06. Suzi Phillips was one of these people and has kindly allowed the photos below to be used on this site. At the time the bird was feeding constantly, but seemed settled, allowing relatively close approach by people.
Fingers crossed it sticks around till at least 18/11 when Brent will be heading up to Auckland – could be number 200 on the year list!!!
The above photographs belong to Suzi Phillips and are copyrighted. If you would like to use them, then please contact me first.